
Details of Shooting in Atlanta Fuel Debate on Police Use of Force - The New York Times
Credit...Joshua Rashaad McFadden for The New York Times

As details emerged of what happened when the Atlanta police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks as he fled from them outside a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta, political leaders drew parallels and contrasts with the other recent police-involved killings of black people that have ignited protests across the nation.

The Fulton County medical examiner’s office confirmed on Sunday that Mr. Brooks’s death was a homicide and that the cause of death was “gunshot wounds of the back.” The office’s statement said he had been hit by two shots, causing “organ injuries and blood loss.”

Representative James Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina, said on Sunday that he did not believe that lethal force was necessary in the police’s encounter with Mr. Brooks, who had dozed off at the wheel of a car while waiting on the restaurant’s drive-through line. (An earlier version of this item misstated his view in one passage.)

“They’d already patted him down, he had no weapon on him — where did they think he was going to go?” Mr. Clyburn said. “So he’s running away — my goodness, you’ve got his car, you can easily find him. But no, you fire bullets into his back.”

Appearing on the CNN program “State of the Union,” Mr. Clyburn continued, “That is not what you’d call corresponding force. And so I think the mayor is right, this did not call for lethal force.”

Stacey Abrams, the former minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives and Democratic gubernatorial candidate, said she saw a direct link to the police-involved killings of black people that have sparked protests demanding an overhaul of policing nationwide.

“We need reformation of how police officers do their jobs, how law enforcement does its job, because what happened yesterday to Rayshard Brooks was a function of excessive force,” Ms. Abrams said Sunday on the ABC program “This Week.” “The fact that they were either embarrassed or, you know, panicked led them to murder a man who they knew only had a Taser in his hand.”

However, Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, said on the NBC program “Meet the Press” that he did not think the case was in the same category as other recent killings by the police that have been widely regarded as clearly unjustified.

The body-camera video of the encounter, he said, “is disturbing to watch, but I’m not sure that it’s as clear as what we’ve seen around the country.”

When asked if there should be a federal standard for the use of force, Mr. Scott said it would be “difficult to establish a codified practice,” but added that an effort to find the best existing practices at departments around the country would be helpful.

He added that he wanted to see clearer policies on chokeholds, a contentious restraint method that restricts air flow. Some cities and states have declared outright bans on such tactics in recent weeks.

Representative Karen Bass, Democrat of California and chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said she saw a lot common ground between the police and officials at all levels who support the protesters’ demands for a wholesale rethinking of law enforcement.

“You hear police say all the time, ‘Don’t put us in a position of solving society’s problems,” Ms. Bass said on “Fox News Sunday." “Because we have not put money into social health and economic issues like homelessness and substance abuse, the police then are left to pick up the pieces. So we need to invest in a comprehensive manner.”

Credit...Georgia Bureau of Investigations

When Rayshard Brooks was fatally shot outside a Wendy’s restaurant on Friday night, the events were captured on video by security cameras and witnesses to the confrontation.

An analysis of the videos by The New York Times shows that Officer Garrett Rolfe fired a stun gun at Mr. Brooks as he and another officer, Devin Brosnan, tried to take Mr. Brooks into custody. Mr. Brooks got hold of Officer Brosnan’s stun gun, broke away and ran, turning at one point to fire it at Officer Rolfe, who was chasing him. Then Officer Rolfe fired three gunshots at Mr. Brooks.

The shooting left many in the city once again incensed by the death of another black man at the hands of the police — and nervous about the potential for more destructive flare-ups. By Saturday night, protesters had blocked roads and an interstate near the restaurant and had apparently set the restaurant on fire, according to news reports, with the police firing tear gas and flash grenades to try to disperse the crowd.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta announced on Saturday that the city’s police chief had resigned. Early on Sunday morning, Sgt. John Chafee, a spokesman for the Atlanta Police Department, said Officer Rolfe had been fired and Officer Brosnan put on administrative leave.

Police dashboard and body-camera videos show that Mr. Brooks was compliant and friendly with the officers when they first approached him and for some time after that, and the encounter turned to a struggle when the officers tried to handcuff him.

The police were called to the scene initially because Mr. Brooks had fallen asleep on the drive-through line of the restaurant. The video shows Officer Brosnan waking Mr. Brooks in the driver’s seat of a car and asking him to move the car to a parking space. Officer Brosnan appears to be unsure whether to let Mr. Brooks sleep there or to take further action.

He calls for another police officer, and Officer Rolfe arrives twelve minutes later. Officer Rolfe searches Mr. Brooks and then puts him through a sobriety test, which he fails. Mr. Brooks asks the officers if he can lock his car up under their supervision and walk to his sister’s house, which is a short distance away. “I can just go home,” he says.

Officer Rolfe asks Mr. Brooks to take a breath test for alcohol. Mr. Brooks admits he has been drinking and says, “I don’t want to refuse anything.” When the test is complete, Officer Rolfe tells Mr. Brooks he “has had too much drink to be driving,” and begins to handcuff him; only then is Mr. Brooks seen offering any resistance.

Credit...Joshua Roberts/Reuters

As protesters coalesce around the movement to “defund the police,” Democratic congressional leaders emphasized on Sunday that their intent was not to cut off funding for police departments, but to thoroughly overhaul them.

“Nobody is going to defund the police — we can restructure the police forces,” said Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, the No. 3 House Democrat, on the CNN program “State of the Union.” “The fact of the matter is that police have a role to play.”

Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of the most liberal lawmakers in the House, said she supported dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department after George Floyd, a black man, died in police custody there.

“You can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root — what you can do is rebuild,” Ms. Omar said on “State of the Union,” noting that half of homicides in Minneapolis go unsolved and that there were reports that the department had destroyed rape kits.

When pressed on whether the police department should be abolished permanently, Ms. Omar said, “Absolutely not.”

“I think that’s really where the conversation is going wrong,” she said, “because no one is saying that the community is not going to be kept safe. No one is saying that crimes will not be investigated. No one is saying that we are not going to have proper response when community members are in danger.

“What we are saying is the current infrastructure that exists as policing in our city should not exist any more,” Ms. Omar said. “And we can’t go about creating a different process with the same infrastructure in place.”

Lawmakers are wrestling with the contours of legislation to overhaul policing and how to reconcile a measure introduced in the House last week with drafts still under discussion in the Senate.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the lead Republican drafting the legislation in the Senate, said the measures would not get through the Republican-controlled Senate if they included provisions for limiting the qualified immunity that currently protects police officers from lawsuits over what they do on duty.

Democrats have raised similar objections to a proposal to “decertify” bad officers as a substitute for more sweeping changes.

Senator James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, said he supported a national ban on chokeholds, though the legislation still being drafted in the Senate is not expected to have such a prohibition. “Absolutely, we should have that,” he said on ABC. “That was one of the things that we should have engaged in a long time ago.”

Mr. Scott also appeared on the NBC program “Meet the Press,” where he said it would be “difficult” to codify a nationwide standard for use of force by the police. Still, he said, the time when a chokehold was acceptable “had come and gone.”

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Thousands of demonstrators gathered around the Brooklyn Museum to bring attention to high rates of police violence against black transgender women.CreditCredit...Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times

Thousands of protesters gathered near the Brooklyn Museum on Sunday afternoon for a rally and silent march to call attention to police violence against transgender people, especially women of color.

“I demand that the state be held accountable for our murders,” Ianne Fields Stewart, founder of the Okra Project, a support and advocacy group, said at the rally. “Today I demand that the state be held accountable for continuously dead-naming us, ignoring us, abusing us, violating us, while profiting off of us in the shadows.”

Transgender people face high rates of violence around the country and the world, and the American Medical Association said last fall that killings of transgender women of color in the U.S. amounted to an epidemic.

One speaker at the rally was Melania Brown, sister of Layleen Polanco, a transgender woman who was found dead in 2019 in a cell at Rikers Island. Ms. Polanco’s death in custody attracted national attention.

Prosecutors found that prison officers were not responsible, but Ms. Polanco’s family has sued the city for wrongful death, saying that the prison staff failed to provide her with timely medical care that could have saved her life after she suffered an epileptic seizure.

In Los Angeles, L.G.B.T.Q. activists held a march and rally in Hollywood and West Hollywood on Sunday focused on racial injustice and police brutality. against members of their community, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Former Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates joined the call on Sunday to rename Army bases that honor Confederate generals, despite President Trump’s opposition, saying that it was time to rid the American military of symbols that represent “the dark side of our history.”

Mr. Gates, who was appointed defense secretary by President George W. Bush and kept on by President Barack Obama, said the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis had focused new light on a legacy of racism that should be confronted in society, including within a military that is increasingly diverse.

“The events since the killing of George Floyd present us with an opportunity where we can move forward to change those bases,” Mr. Gates said in an interview. “It’s always puzzled me that we don’t have a Fort George Washington, or a Fort Ulysses S. Grant, or a Fort Patton, or a facility named for an African-American Medal of Honor recipient. I think the time has come, and we have a real opportunity here.”

As a longtime scholar of the Soviet Union, Mr. Gates said, “I’m very sensitive to the notion of rewriting history.” But he said base names and statues of Confederate figures should not be seen as honoring them. “They belong in a museum someplace, so we’re not celebrating them, we’re learning from them and the mistakes they made,” he said.

As it happens, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia weighed in on the subject Sunday, saying on state television that the pulling down of Confederate statues and other monuments as a result of protests was “undoubtedly a destructive phenomenon.”

The Black Lives Matter movement has opened a rift among prominent Asian-Americans in Massachusetts, where members of a state commission disagreed openly about whether their community was complicit in racism against black people.

The disagreement stems from a statement issued on June 4, in which the commission described “the deep roots of anti-Blackness” among Asian-Americans, and said that Asian-Americans “continue to benefit from the ‘model minority’ myth and our historic proximity to white privilege.”

Within a few days, strong dissents began to surface around the statement, which was approved by 13 members of the 20-member commission. Since then, a number of prominent Asian-Americans have objected to the statement, including several of the seven members who did not vote.

Dean A. Tran, a Republican state senator from Fitchburg, issued a rebuttal to the statement, which he called “inflammatory.” He argued that Asian-Americans had not contributed to anti-black racism.

“My family and I were refugees from Vietnam, worked hard day and night, and kept our heads down despite encountering hatred through various forms of prejudice,” he wrote. “We, like many other Asian-Americans, certainly did not benefit from ‘white privilege.’”

He said that many Asian-Americans “are outraged that a tax-funded state agency would misrepresent the Asian-American community this way.”

The state commission was formed in 2006 to promote the well-being of what has become the fastest-growing minority community in Massachusetts.

Credit...Alexandra Wimley/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, via Associated Press

Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, said on Sunday that he had been in conversations with the White House about making Juneteenth, which marks the date, June 19, 1865, when enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, first learned of their freedom, a national holiday. “I think it’s a brilliant idea,” Mr. Scott, the only Republican senator who is black, said on the NBC program “Meet the Press.”

Texas was the last of the former Confederate states where enslaved people heard the news of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, so June 19 has long been celebrated by African Americans as the date when slavery finally ended after the Civil War.

The date hit the headlines recently when President Trump’s re-election campaign scheduled his first rally since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic to be held on June 19 in Tulsa, Okla., the site of an eruption of deadly racist violence in 1921 that destroyed a thriving black business community. After the timing drew widespread criticism, the rally was rescheduled for the following day.

“My understanding is he moved the date once he understood Juneteenth,” Mr. Scott said on “Face the Nation.” “I’m not sure that the planners on his inner-circle team thought about June 19, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and race riots.”

Other Republican allies of Mr. Trump also said in interviews aired Sunday that they had expressed concerns to him about the date of the rally. “My encouragement to the president was to be able to pick a day around it,” Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma said on CNN. And Ben Carson, Mr. Trump’s housing secretary, said on the ABC program “This Week” that “it’s probably good to have moved it.”

Credit...Mohammed Badra/EPA, via Shutterstock

As protests against racism and police violence have spread overseas, protesters have often added demands for a reckoning with their own nations’ histories of colonization, racism and abusive policing. Those reckonings have made headway in some places and met resistance in others.

President Emmanuel Macron of France said on Sunday that while he would stand firm against racism in his nation, he refused to accede to demands for the removal of statues or the renaming of streets honoring colonial-era figures.

“The republic will not wipe away any trace, or any name from its history,” he said. “It will not forget any of its works. It will not take down any statues.” Mr. Macron warned French citizens against a “hateful or false rewriting of the past.” and called for a fresh look at France’s relations with its former colonies in Africa.

As France faces a growing debate on racial issues, a longtime taboo in a country that, by law, does not keep statistics on the race or ethnicity of residents, Mr. Macron vowed to “be uncompromising against racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination.” On Saturday, Sibeth Ndiaye, the first black spokesman for the French government, wrote in an opinion essay that France should reconsider the use of ethnic statistics.

Mr. Macron also responded to calls to overhaul the French police. At least 15,000 people protested in Paris on Saturday against racially motivated police brutality. But Mr. Macron said that the French police “deserve the support of the public authorities and the gratitude of the nation.”

Police officers mounted their own demonstration last week against government attempts to change their practices and discipline officers suspected of racism.

A statue in Milan, Italy, of a renowned journalist who died in 2001 attracted the ire of protesters on Sunday. Protesters scrawled the Italian words for “rapist” and “racist” on the statue of Indro Montanelli, who acknowledged having had a 12-year-old Eritrean bride while he was stationed in Eritrea during Italian colonial rule in the 1930s.

Reporting was contributed by Peter Baker, Ellen Barry, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, Malachy Browne, Julia Carmel, Emily Cochrane, Melina Delkic, Shaila Dewan, Rebecca Halleck, Jack Healy, Andrew Higgins, Christina Kelso, Eric Killelea and Constant Méheut. Muyi Xiao contributed research.

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Details of Shooting in Atlanta Fuel Debate on Police Use of Force - The New York Times
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